17 Haziran 2012 Pazar

An Indian state of mind

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I'm sure I don't need to re-explain the whole fracas involving Democrat Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren and her false claim of Cherokee ancestry that helped her career advance as a professor at Harvard.

Now that she has been found out as a fraud on this topic, the lamestream media is twisting itself in knots trying to justify her lies.  I previously posted about Fox News contributor Jehmu Greene's racist " bow-tying white boy" comment to Tucker Carlson as she melted down trying in vain to justify Warren's actions.  Now we have a new winner for most ridiculous defense of Elizabeth Warren.

Writing for The Hill, Bernie Quigley incredibly posits that Elizabeth Warren, who originally hails from Oklahoma, should be considered a Cherokee Indian because she really, really wants to be:
So Warren's claim to be "part Indian" is correct in mythical terms. Every old-school white Oklahoman is in this regard even if this in nominally not true. But it is not a lie to want to be Indian and to imagine your ancestors were... And I hope Elizabeth Warren doesn't back down on this, because wanting to be Indian, like Hawkeye [the white hero from Last of the Mohicans], makes us in a deeper sense fully American.
Wow. Again, one has to ask what Mr. Quigley would have written had Elizabeth Warren's Republican opponent, Scott Brown, been the one to falsely claim Indian ancestry. Somehow, I don't think Quigley would be so quick to dismiss this issue. 

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was, and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson

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