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It's been 40 years since the Watergate scandal ended the Presidency of Richard Nixon. When the story broke and the trials and Nixon's resignation were going on I was In the Marines. Since this was my Commander in Chief, I was interested in knowing how it would all come out. Nixon resigned and Gerald Ford became my new boss. Hopefully, unlike the Who song, unlike the old boss.
Some guys broke into a hotel room and brought down a president. Now we have people breaking US and International law and the press responds with a resounding yawn. John Ransom at Townhall Finance wrote a great article comparing Presidents Obama and Nixon. From the article;
While we were all shocked and angered at the revelation of Nixon’s abuses, today the same abuses are not only ignored but tolerated- even encouraged- by the Left.
I never thought I would see a time when the U.S. government would deliberately sell guns to Mexican drug cartels just to advance a petty policy argument about gun control, while the press stood by with not a word or reproach. Or allow the Black Panthers to practice the worst type of racism abetted by the highest law enforcement officer in the land, while the press applauded.
Have we become so tolerant that we will just overlook anything politicians do? Where is the outrage over the deaths of BP agent Brian Terry and ICE agent Jamie Zapata? What about 200 plus Mexican citizens murdered with the guns our DOJ allowed to be smuggled. What about the New Black Panthers putting a bounty on the head of a man that had not been, at the time, charged with a crime? Why do they get a free pass? Why, if people say anything do Jesse Jaskass and Al fraud scream "racist" at the top of their lungs.
There could be hope on the horizon. There has been a new development in the gunwalker case and it has the potential of being a deal breaker for Holder and friends. from that we learn about rats leaving a sinking ship.
Multiple, previously highly credible, sources close to the Gunwalker investigation report that there are at least one and perhaps two sources within the Department of Justice headquarters who have approached the Issa Committee seeking whistleblower status. One source, who reported that there were at least two of Eric Holder's subordinates who "came in from the cold," characterized them as "high-level" DOJ employees "with knowledge of Eric Holder's actions before and after" the 4 February 2011 DOJ letter denying that the DOJ and its subordinate agencies knew about "gunwalking." That letter has since been admitted by DOJ to have been a lie. If true, one or both of these whistleblowers may be the so-called "mole" -- a source within DOJ said to have been leaking documents, including the wiretap affidavits, to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
John ransom summed it up pretty well;
This time, key parts of the country have sold their soul to a man who is, like Nixon, soul-sick.
But today, whether that man stays or goes doesn’t matter.
It only matters that we reclaim our own soul.
Salvation for our country can only come one soul at a time, because that is how we sold it: one soul at a time.
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